Issue 1 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe component is not rendered per domain.
Issue 1 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe component is not rendered per domain.
En la página de Conócenos, contribuimos un vídeo pero no nos deja cambiarle el tamaño (en otros sí). ¿puede ser por la plantilla?
Test 1
Test 1
Iframe - Test with the reported casuistry: The "ResourceType" of the reported component is "repsol-catalog/components/content/embed/v1/embed" and therefore incorrect.
Test 2
Test 2
Iframe - Test scenario with the correct Component "Video Embed - Repsol Lubricantes" with "ResourceType: repsol-lubricantes/components/content/embed/v1/embed".
It is required to recontribute those components which are experiencing the reported error to the correct component: "Video Embed - Repsol Lubricantes"
Issue 2 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe component is not rendered per domain.
Issue 2 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe component is not rendered per domain.
En la página conócenos quieren poner esta infografía Pero no se ve. Les he solicitado dónde se encuentra esta infografía en COM para revisar. Cuidado con los dominios.
Test 1
Test 1
Iframe - Test with the reported casuistry:
Test 2
Test 2
Iframe - Test scenario with a "Source" (Wikipedia | Content: Repsol S.A) that allows its content to be embedded in other websites:
Issue 3 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe...
Issue 3 - Reported in the mail: The source contributed in the iframe...
Han contribuido un iframe en la página con un XF. Se ha publicado página y XF pero en view as publish se ve bien pero por dominio no.
The issue is due to the fact that the component (and the contributed HTML) make use of resources (DAM images, CCS in the DAM) that are not published (reason why they are not visible by domain). The issue is not from Repsol Lubricants but from the Component and its contribution (as they make use of those resources which are not published); it is noted that the component comes from Repsol COM and it's confirmed that the issue is also reproduced via COM on STAGE
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