Lubricant production
Lubricant production
Cutting-edge technology to create the most advanced products
Cutting-edge technology to create the most advanced products
Our lubricant production plants supply over 90 countries and meet the highest quality standards.
Our production plants
Our production plants
We have production plants all over the world providing the global lubricant market with the supply to meet increasing demand.
Automotive oils
Automotive oils
To lubricate all moving parts of vehicle engines and transmissions, in line with the strictest quality standards.
Industrial oils
Industrial oils
Repsol has the most extensive line of oils for all kinds of machinery and applications.
Marine oils
Marine oils
Made to lubricate the large diesel engines on ships, adapted to the fuels used in these engines.
How we work in the Puertollano plant
Group I base oils are received through a pipeline to 5 tanks connected to the refinery's lubricant unit.Lab analysis points.
Group II, III, synthetic, and refined base oils arrive in tanker trucks that are then unloaded into 12 dedicated tanks. Over 1,500 tanks/year.Lab analysis points.
Additives are added to the base oil to improve its performance and properties or new properties are added to enhance it. Around 8,000 tons of additive are received per year in tankers.Lab analysis points.
Over 200 additives (2,400 tons/year) are added to the base oil to improve its performance and properties or new properties are added to enhance it.Lab analysis points.
The 17 tanks where the bases are stored are monitored and managed by a control system, to be able to plan the oils' manufacture.
Our plant has 40 additive tanks, monitored and managed by a control system with stirring and heating elements to guarantee their correct operation.
Over 13,000 drums of additives are received and stored per year. The mixing system allows for the dosage of additives in a container, which are pre-heated in an oven depending on their viscosity.
The digester is a polymer dilution unit where 6 high-volume MIV additives (viscosity index improvers) are manufactured, which allow for great flexibility, efficiency, and cost savings.Connection to digital systems.Lab analysis points.
We have 4 mixers at the Puertollano plant depending on mixture type and/or quantity to be mixed (ABB, ILB, SMB, Dielectric) managed by a control system interconnected with SAP, which receives scheduled orders, formulas, laboratory results, and reports the components consumed for inventory management. It also contains recipes and compatibility charts.Connection to digital systems.
We have 37 tanks connected with scraped surface to guarantee product quality (4 dedicated to dielectrics) where the mixture is homogenized and characterized, prior to packaging, loading or storage. We use 340 formulas, which are continuously rotated, managed by a digital sequencer for resource optimization.Lab analysis points.
We have 2 automatic packaging lines (1L, 4L, and 5L) and robotics (depalletizing, boxing, palletizing, and shrink-wrapping) with systems to guarantee quality (online labeling with vision system, filling and capping control, weighing control, etc.) and system interconnected to the ERP and control system to guarantee labeling, traceability, and inventory management. Approximately 12 M bottles/year packaged.Connection to digital systems.Lab analysis points.
We have 3 automatic packaging lines (20L, 208L, and 1,000L) and robotics (automatic storage of empty drums, depalletizing and palletizing of bottles, filling of 208L and 1000L with vision system, shrink-wrapping) with systems to guarantee quality (control filling, weighing and capping, vision system for labeling, etc.) and system interconnected with the ERP and system to guarantee labeling, traceability, and inventory management. Over 350 k units/year packaged.Connection to digital systems.Lab analysis points.
There are 27 tanks for storing high turnover products or adapted to special customer requirements (marine, shock absorbers, etc.) with flexibility to change.Lab analysis points.
Our warehouse has an area of over 20,000 m2 and contains approximately 7,000 t of product (more than 15,000 pallets) with a radio frequency system for warehouse management and product traceability.Radiofrequency terminals for tracking finished products in warehouses.
We ship nationally and internationally, by box truck or maritime container, over 100,000 order lines and more than 4,000 transports per year.Radiofrequency terminals for tracking finished products in warehouses.
We ship over 2,000 tankers a year nationally and internationally.Connection to digital systems.Lab analysis points.
From the Puertollano plant, products are sent to customers across 80 different countries.
Título emergente
Etiam lacinia tortor in libero scelerisque, ut aliquam arcu gravida.
Suspendisse cursus purus mi, nec vehicula elit cursus vel. Nam blandit
imperdiet turpis, eget pretium metus commodo in. Cras quis ex at
lectus laoreet aliquam ac sit amet mauris. Suspendisse vitae odio
tortor. Nam sodales rutrum est non dignissim. Aliquam sagittis finibus
nulla, a rutrum libero.
Proin a ligula sed lacus lobortis
tempor. In dapibus, dolor eget interdum iaculis, ante sapien fringilla
libero, eu fermentum odio velit dictum nunc. Suspendisse luctus, massa
ac cursus cursus, turpis dolor pulvinar enim, et posuere dui neque
vitae quam.
- Lab analysis points.
- Radiofrequency terminals for tracking finished products in warehouses.
- Connection to digital systems.

Supply: a fundamental task
Supply: a fundamental task
In addition to production, our plants provide other services that are essential to covering demand:
- Storage: all of our plants have tanks for storing mineral and synthetic oils, additives, and finished oils.
- Quality control: We have facilities that analyze raw materials, intermediate products, and, of course, finished products prior to their sale to ensure they meet the strictest requirements.

Always at your service
Always at your service
Because in addition to developing, producing, and distributing our lubricating oils, we have a Technical Assistance and Development service in which our experts provide guidance from start to finish on any question or request.
Read more about Technical Assistance and Development >