Lubrication benefits for agricultural equipment: how to keep your machinery in tip-top condition

Lubrication benefits for agricultural equipment: how to keep your machinery in tip-top condition
27 June 2024

Efficiency and productivity are the cornerstone of agricultural work. That's why proper maintenance of agricultural equipment is essential to ensure all tasks can be carried without any hiccups, to optimize your business. 

And when we talk about maintenance, one of the most critical aspects is lubrication. This is an essential but sometimes underestimated process and can make a big difference in the durability and performance of all types of agricultural machinery.

Why is lubrication crucial for agricultural machinery?

Agricultural equipment is exposed to extreme conditions, whether that's the long work hours or the dusty and humid environments they usually operate in. This characteristic especially affects the wear and tear of moving parts, increasing the risk of faults and breakdowns. 

That's precisely where agricultural machinery lubricants and oils come in and act as a protective barrier, providing the following benefits:

  • Reduction of wear and tear and friction. Lubricants form a protective film between moving surfaces, minimizing direct contact, and reducing deterioration. This translates into a longer useful life of components such as bearings, gears or axles.
  • Protection against corrosion. Agricultural equipment is often exposed to corrosive elements (especially moisture). So that's why high-quality lubricants contain additives that protect metal surfaces against oxidation, keeping machinery in better condition for longer.
  • Performance improvement. Lubrication is a real plus in terms of operational efficiency by reducing resistance to machinery's movements. Well-lubricated equipment operates more smoothly and reduces consumption. 
  • Temperature reduction. Friction generates heat and can cause warping and the premature failure of components. Lubricants can help dissipate it, keeping operating temperatures within safe ranges and preventing any elements from overheating.

How to keep your machinery in tip-top condition

To ensure your agricultural equipment is in tip-top condition, it's essential to implement rigorous and well-planned maintenance in terms of lubrication. 

Here are some crucial steps we recommend you follow:

  • Choose the right lubricant. Not all machinery lubricants are the same. It's important to choose the right one for each part, taking into account factors such as load, speed or environmental conditions. 

We advise you consult the manufacturer's manual for specific recommendations. You can also find a search engine on our website where look for the lubricant or oil you need by simply entering the make and model of your vehicle. 

  • Regular lubrication program. Establish a maintenance schedule that includes regular re-lubrication intervals. Don't wait for problems to occur to apply lubricant: prevention is key.
  • Checks and monitoring. Carry out frequent checks for signs of wear and tear or dirt buildup in lubricated areas. For example, you can use monitoring tools to analyze the oil in agricultural machinery and any detect possible contaminants.
  • Personnel training. Make sure your maintenance team is properly trained in lubrication best practices. Well-informed personnel can identify potential problems before they become something bigger.

Optimize your investment in agricultural machinery

Proper lubrication not only extends the life of your agricultural equipment, but also minimizes downtime and repair costs. By keeping your machinery in tip-top condition, you can ensure your business runs efficiently and uninterruptedly. This, in turn, allows you to maximize your investment and focus on what really matters: growing and harvesting the best quality products.

And all that's left to do is recommend our Farmer range. Developed exclusively to extend the useful life of agricultural machinery. It includes, for example, multifunctional oils for tractors, lubricants for two-stroke engines for gardening machinery, chainsaws, and forestry vehicles. Discover it now on our portal!