"Logistics, commercial support, and quality products are the pillars of Repsol"

13 August 2024

Tony Tarrazo has turned his passion for motorsports into a thriving business. Cofounder of Tarrauto in the Dominican Republic, together with his dad Jose Antonio Tarrazo, this businessman has been associated with Repsol for over 30 years as a lubricants distributor for this market. Through well-defined strategies and with a commitment to quality and service, Tarrauto has managed to position itself as a benchmark in the sector, but not without first overcoming all kinds of challenges. 

In this interview he tells his story, which is also a testament to how dedication, constant work, and the right strategy can transform an initial challenge into a success story.

Why did you decide to dedicate yourself to the distribution of lubricants? 

Our family had been racing cars on circuits for years. Although we were in a different business at the time, our motorsports colleagues advised us to make the most of the knowledge and recognition we had in this sport to launch a business related to it. 

At first, it was a difficult task because outside Spain, Repsol did not enjoy the presence and fame it enjoys today. For this reason, we decided to introduce the brand in the eastern part of the country, which was and still is the leading area in hospitality and tourism, with a high presence of executives and influential people from the Spanish hotel sector. This situation allowed us to reach users more easily, since they knew the brand by where it came from. From there, it has been a long road of growth strategies and recognition in this sector and others that were linked to it, such as tourist transport or hotel construction. 

When did the relationship with Repsol begin? 

We are Spanish, and, therefore, aware of Repsol's trajectory. That is why we contacted the international department, which had just been created at the time. From then on, everything flowed. The evolution of this division for Latin America has been constant and works in a very professional, dynamic, and motivating way.

What was the biggest challenge you found in the first few years?

Then, Repsol wasn't a recognized brand in the Dominican Republic, so it was very difficult to convince customers to switch from brands with a long history in this market. Our strategy was to start by offering the brand to Spanish companies established in the country, which did know the nature of Repsol.

How has the lubricants market changed in the Dominican Republic since then?  

The Dominican Republic has advanced a lot in terms of modernization, both in its vehicle fleet and in the different industrial lines. This has made consumers understand that they need a reliable brand that guarantees the correct operation of their investments.

What would you highlight most about Repsol compared to other brands? 

If I had to highlight three aspects about Repsol, they would be logistics, support of the commercial department, and the products, which are always developed to meet all quality standards.

How have you managed to make Tarrauto the leader in lubricants distribution in the Dominican Republic?  

It has been many years of work, of being constant and insistent when it comes to talking to customers and, above all, of providing a first-class service, with continuous after-sales follow-up.  

What has been the most important lesson you have received from this business?  

Growing is difficult, but sustaining is even more difficult.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting in the lubricants distribution business? 

If the idea is to start with Repsol in another country, my advice would be to form a team of people who are willing to understand the lubricants business. This allows you to knock on doors and manage to convince consumers with facts, not just words. You have to demonstrate the quality the products have and the added values that can be offered with them.