From the university to Repsol: learn about the initiative to train future lubrication experts

04 October 2024

In a world in constant technological change, the lubrication industry faces new challenges and requires highly qualified professionals. Aware of this reality, the Spanish Association of Lubricants (Aselube) and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have joined forces to create a pioneering training program in Spain

This is the Specialization in Automotive and Industrial Lubricants course, which offers 90 hours of training and has been a resounding success in its first edition. One of the most innovative aspects is the active participation of different companies from across the sector. Among them is Repsol, which consolidates its commitment to training new generations of professionals.

The combination of theory and practice is another of the program's strengths, with master classes taught by professionals from these companies, who use practical cases and guided tours of different facilities. Students were able to delve into the exciting world of lubrication, covering everything from chemical and physical foundations to the latest technologies, including automotive and industrial applications.


Repsol: a key player in training future experts

Repsol's participation in the course was essential in offering students a complete and updated overview of the sector. Company professionals, with extensive experience in different areas of lubrication, shared their knowledge with students.

Specifically, the company's teachers were Alejandra Alcaide, Ismael Vela, András Görög, and Santiago Maroto, all senior managers of Technical Assistance and Development (TAD) of Lubricants, in addition to Iban Bascones, cross-company project manager for marine lubricants, and Pedro Ceballos, from the occupational risk prevention service. All were in charge of teaching the different course sessions on behalf of Repsol, covering topics such as the lubrication of cogeneration engines, compressors, heavy vehicles, and marine engines or safety in manufacturing and distribution.

For Pedro Ceballos, the experience was "very positive", highlighting the active participation of students and the interest shown in the subject. Ismael Vela, highlights the importance of offering students "a global overview of the industry", while Alejandra Alcaide highlights the value of the exchange of outlooks between Repsol professionals and students.

The opportunity for internships at Repsol

Óscar Durán Pachau, master's student in Industrial Engineering at the UPM, was selected to do his internship at Repsol after completing the course. Óscar, who already joined Repsol's TAD team, highlights the importance of this type of training to enter a sector that is "completely unknown to many students, but is actually quite exciting."


For Óscar, the experience on the course was highly enriching: "I found it really interesting the classes were taught by professionals who work on a daily basis with the subject they came to talk about. The training's very complete and covers everything related to lubrication". He also celebrates having “the opportunity to start his professional career in a company like Repsol: “I am sure it will be a very positive experience.”

A promising future for lubrication professionals

The first edition of the Specialization in Automotive and Industrial Lubricants course has laid the foundations for future editions, consolidating itself as a benchmark in training professionals in the sector. The next edition will begin in February 2025 and will extend until May, with hybrid classes on Fridays, with face-to-face sessions at the UPM's Technical School of Industrial Engineering.

If you are studying or have studied engineering and are interested in the world of lubrication, do not hesitate to sign up to the next edition of the course. Broaden your professional horizons and be part of a sector that is constantly evolving.