Marine lubricant with a patented formula specially designed for the lubrication of cylinders of 2-stroke low-speed diesel engines that run on a wide range of fuels with a sulphur content from 0% to 1.5%. The unique composition of TALUSIA UNIVERSAL endows it with exceptional capacity to neutralise acids during combustion. Designed for the most severe working conditions, TALUSIA UNIVERSAL is suitable for special working conditions using fuels with a sulphur content of between 0.5% and 3.5%. TALUSIA UNIVERSAL is a premium solution for the lubrication of all modern diesel and dual-fuel two-stroke engines using IMO 2020 and ECA compliant fuels.
Quality levels, approvals and recommendations
MAN B&W Diesel 2T.
Wärtasilä & Sulzet Diesel 2T.
Japan Engnie (UE Engines).
Minimal wear of the liner and piston rings with maximum cleanliness.
Reduces engine maintenance costs by extending the periods between overhauls.
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