Innovation and technology
Innovation and technology
The Repsol Technology Lab,
leading Europe
The Repsol Technology Lab,
leading Europe
A space where our scientists and researchers work every day to develop the products of tomorrow today.
Reinventing to enhance
Reinventing to enhance
Repsol Lubricants works every day to enhance our business, make it more efficient and search for the best lubrication solutions for all kinds of vehicles and machinery. It does all of this without overlooking sustainability and quality.
Repsol Technology Lab
Repsol Technology Lab
Lubricants are essential to keeping engines and industrial machinery in optimal condition. That’s why Repsol Technology Lab scientists research, analyze, and develop new formulas that maximize specifications and useful life, while aiming to reduce these formulas’ carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
Our researchers constantly monitor the market in search of new technological developments that contribute to improving our lubricants even further. The aim: to protect any mechanical element (engines, automotive transmissions, and industrial equipment) to help it operate in optimal conditions.
Research and testing happens at our Repsol Technology Lab. Opened in 2002, it has brought together under one roof, both physically and strategically, the four centers that previously existed separately. It is at the forefront of Europe and works on strategic projects aimed at creating energy systems that are more environmentally sustainable and efficient, thus responding to society's needs.

Research in service to the planet
Research in service to the planet
The environment is one of Repsol’s top priorities. That's why many of our research efforts are into how to make products aligned with sustainable development. How do we do it? Developing products with lower viscosities, which help reduce fuel consumption by engines and therefore lower CO2 emissions. Additionally, in accordance with the “Respect the environment” principle, we are developing new formulas that are more resistant to degradation in order to extend their useful life or the amount of time they are at peak condition. This helps us reduce the generation of waste like used oil. We are also researching how to obtain new molecules to replace the ones traditionally included in oils to guarantee compatibility with exhaust gas treatment systems that reduce vehicles’ polluting emissions.
Our other lines of innovation are: manufacturing oils from the regeneration of used oils, formulating with renewable oils, and biodegradable lubricating oils.

The epicenter of innovation
The epicenter of innovation
Lubricating oils are an essential component to keeping engines in optimal condition. That's why the scientists at the Repsol Technology Lab's Lubricants Laboratory research, test, analyze, and develop substances that increasingly protect engines and the environment.
This space was inaugurated in 2002, unifying the four previously existing centers. It is now at the forefront of Europe and develops strategic projects to find the most efficient and sustainable business solutions.
Quality, our core principle
Quality, our core principle
We work with the EFQM Excellence Model, whose objective is customer and employee satisfaction and having a positive impact on society. This is achieved with policy and strategy leadership, proper people management, efficient use of resources, and appropriate process definition.
...how we organize ourselves, how we interact outside of the organization, how we interact among ourselves, and what we achieve.
... leadership, management of communication and information, people management, and providing services.
... ISO 9001:2008 and ISO-TS 16949:2009 certifications.